A1 - Health 1 (4 documents) |
A2 - Education & Development Programs (4 documents) |
A3 - Environment (4 documents) |
A4 - Gender & Discrimination (4 documents) |
A5 - Political economy 1 (4 documents) |
A6 - Economics of the elderly (4 documents) |
A7 - Economic demography (4 documents) |
A8 - Tax erosion (4 documents) |
B1 - Household behavior and family economics (4 documents) |
B2 - Human capital (4 documents) |
B3 - Optimal taxation (4 documents) |
B4 - Political economy 2 (4 documents) |
B5 - Education (4 documents) |
B6 - Equity – Justice and other normative criteria and measurement (4 documents) |
B7 - Migration (4 documents) |
B8 - Fiscal policies and behavior of economic agents (4 documents) |
C1 - Macroeconomics - fiscal and monetary policies (4 documents) |
C2 - Tax avoidance (4 documents) |
C3 - Asymmetric and Private Information, Mechanism Design (4 documents) |
C4 - Resource conflicts & violence (4 documents) |
C5 - Labor demand & supply (4 documents) |
C6 - Political economy 3 (4 documents) |
C7 - Tax incidence, optimal taxation (4 documents) |
C8 - Tax competition, fiscal federalism (4 documents) |
D1 - Health 2 (4 documents) |
D2 - Political economy 4 (3 documents) |
D3 - Development - institution and growth (4 documents) |
D4 - Growth (4 documents) |
D5 - Game theory - imperfect competition, information (4 documents) |
D6 - Urban & spatial economics, economic geography (4 documents) |
D7 - Income gap, well-being and poverty (4 documents) |
D8 - Behavioral economics & preferences refinements (4 documents) |
Agent-based modelling (0 document) |
Asymmetric and Private Information; Mechanism Design (0 document) |
Business Taxes and Subsidies (0 document) |
Capital, Total Factor Productivity, Capacity (0 document) |
Child labor (0 document) |
Computable and Other Applied General Equilibrium Models (0 document) |
Crime (0 document) |
Development programs (0 document) |
Economic demography (0 document) |
Economic Methodology & Economic Philosophy (0 document) |
Economics of Gender and Discrimination (0 document) |
Economics of the Elderly (0 document) |
Education and Research (0 document) |
Environmental and Ecological Economics (0 document) |
Environmental Taxes and Subsidies, Externalities; Redistributive Effects (0 document) |
Equity, Justice and Other Normative Criteria and Measurement (0 document) |
Fertility; Family Planning; Child Care; Children; Youth (0 document) |
Firm Behavior (0 document) |
Fiscal Policies and Behavior of Economic Agents (0 document) |
Game theory & Industrial Organization (0 document) |
Growth (0 document) |
Growth, institution and development (0 document) |
Health (0 document) |
History of Economic Thought, Economic history (0 document) |
Household Behavior and Family Economics (0 document) |
Housing markets and policies (0 document) |
Human Capital; Skills; Occupational Choice; Labor Productivity; Job satisfaction (0 document) |
Illegal behavior, corruption and governance (0 document) |
Information & Democracy (0 document) |
Insurance; Risk and Uncertainty (0 document) |
International Trade and Finance (0 document) |
Lab or field experiment (0 document) |
Labor Demand; search & matching (0 document) |
Law and Economics (0 document) |
Macroeconomic fluctuations (0 document) |
Macroeconomics: Fiscal and Monetary Policy (0 document) |
Marriage; Marital Dissolution; Family Structure; Domestic Abuse (0 document) |
Migration (0 document) |
National Budget, Deficit, and Debt (0 document) |
Natural experiment (0 document) |
Network, peer effects, social learning (0 document) |
Neuroeconomics, subjective data (0 document) |
Optimal Commodity Taxation (0 document) |
Optimal income taxation (0 document) |
Personal Income, Wealth, and Their Distributions (0 document) |
Political economy (0 document) |
Public goods and externalities (0 document) |
Public investment & tax competition (0 document) |
Randomized experiment (0 document) |
Regulation; imperfect competition (0 document) |
Social choice and political science (0 document) |
Social insurance (0 document) |
State and Local Government; Intergovernmental Relations (0 document) |
Tax avoidance (0 document) |
Tax transparency & information (0 document) |
Time Allocation and Labor Supply (0 document) |
Transaction Costs & Property Rights (0 document) |
Urban & spatial Economics; Economic Geography (0 document) |
Values, culture, social preferences, ethics, ideology (0 document) |
Wages, Compensation, and Labor Costs (0 document) |
Wealth tax (0 document) |
Welfare, Well-Being, and Poverty (0 document) |